Thursday, May 7, 2009

Paronella Park

Feeding the eels and turtles.

Ben having a look at the bats in the tunnel which led us to the waterfall below. 

Originally scheduled to spend the day on Green Island – part of the inner Great Barrier Reef – we decided to skip it because the waters were too choppy.   There were many reports of sea sickness from people who had gone in the past few days.  We drove down instead to Paronella Park.  What a magnificent place.  Voted #1 of the 150 Must-Do’s in Queensland, It’s an old ruined castle built by a Spaniard in the 1930s.  It offers a wonderful tour of the grounds with its old castle, water features, foot paths, and tunnels.  There is a night tour as well.  The entry price also includes a night’s stay in their caravan park.  The history, design and architecture that went into building this site was magnificent. 

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