Friday, May 22, 2009

Carlo Sand Blow, aka "The Dunes"

Our attempt at stitching the sand blow together
From the parking lot, we walked up with these blokes who had these remote control gliders which provided great entertainment for us. In the picture above, they were testing the video hookup on the glider before sending it up.  The clarity of the video was amazing and the distance that you can fly these is even more amazing.  If they become out of site, you use the video monitor to fly it- pretty cool!
Bennett enjoyed dodging and chasing the gliders.
Bennett attempted to walk across the sand blow but only made it 3/4 of the way.  He's a spec off in the distance.  This place was bigger and steeper than the pictures portray.
Making our way back up the blow.
Walking back to the parking lot we saw some amazing gum trees. The bark sheds off these trees every year and then re-grows.

When the gum tree has its bark, moths find there way underneath and lay their larva which burrow around eating the tree leaving these squiggly lines.

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