Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sick baby

Glenn was struck by her first cold, and was it ever a nasty one.  She got it from her big brother, who must have picked it up at daycare.  Last week, Bennett was home sick from daycare all week and was treated for bacterial conjunctivitis.  Grand-maman and Grand-papa then caught the cold part of it.  Monday, Glenn started getting sick too.  She was pretty pitiful all week.  All she did was sleep on Grand-maman during the day.  She didn't eat much.  Her eyes were all red and weepy, her nose was runny and her voice was really hoarse.  She must have had a sore throat for sure.  Finally on Saturday, she started perking up, but still not at 100%.  
She is almost crawling now too.  She can go backwards, which frustrates her because she's getting further from the object she's reaching for.  It won't be long and she'll be scooting across the floor, chasing after Bennett for sure!!  

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