Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Melbourne update

Well, we are now in full Melbourne time. We've adjusted to time difference and are well into life here. I've started working, although my clinics have been quite light so far. There was a lot of administrative stuff to take care first off. The biggest challenge has been driving on the left hand side!! I think I'm quite used to it now. It just requires a little more concentration....which means no radio or music to listen to.
Bennett has started at daycare and seems to be enjoying himself quite a bit. He's very excited to get going in the morning to head to school. Glenn was giving Grandmaman a little bit of a challenge this week. She was refusing to take formula. We had never tried her on it before now and she would have nothing of it. But Grandmaman pulled out a trick from her bag and put corn syrup into the formula. And voila, Glenn now drinks it without a fuss. She had enough rolls to keep her going for a little while, but I'm certainly less stressed now that she's eating well.
We are going to venture out to the country side this weekend to visit a sanctuary to see the Australian wildlife (Healesville sanctuary). Hopefully the weather improves. It's been raining and very windy the past few days.

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