Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wilson's Promontory

We went camping to Wilson's promontory with Bron and Geoff LaGerche (the parents of the owners of the house we are renting). We had an absolutely fabulous time, despite the windy weather. Definitely one of the highlights of our stay here so far.  Thanks Bron and Geoff!
Tidal River
Where are we, Easter Island?
Rise and shine young camper!!!  Our accomidation is a "Heaslip" which is an off road, heavy duty, luxury, pop up trailer tent- one that can withstand the elements of the outback.  Check out our neighbors below with the tent above the 4 x 4.  Now that's Ozzy style!  
Glenn feeding the parrots.  We would place bread bits on top of her hoody and they would come land and eat off her head.  This one is just taking off.
The wombats came and visited our campsite each night looking for food.  They came right up to us and were very friendly.  Though very cute, they had quite the B/O, wow!!! 
Heading off on a walkabout.  Laughing Buddha is excited! 
Our little bub is wiped out.
This is a cicada about to hatch.  It's like a slow moving cockroach that makes this obnoxious extremely loud high pitch sound similar to a cricket but 100x louder. 
A bush fire left its mark here.
From the bush to the beach.
A LaGerche family tradition of drawing in the sand on the beach.  It not only entertains the kids, but gets them from point A to point B easily by having to follow the line.  Ben had a lot of fun!
Off to another beach.
Approaching 'Squeaky Beach', the beach that squeaks.
Ben had so much fun playing in the water.  If he had it his way, he would have stayed here all day.
Glenn had fun playing with maman's feet in the mud and sand.   
Heading home with bare buns and squeaky feet.  

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