Monday, October 13, 2008

Kangaroo for Canadian Thanksgiving!

Kangaroo is sold in Australia just like any other meat back home. This, I picked up from Safeway and cooked it on the BBQ like a steak- yum!!!  The sticker on the packaging reads: "Good For You, Good For The Environment" and explains that, "Kangaroo's need less food than sheep or cattle, are better adapted to drought and are far less damaging to the fragile topsoil than their sharply- hooved sheep & cattle counterparts.  Australia's sheep and cattle produce huge amounts of methane, an important greenhouse gas- but kangaroos do not.  Methane emissions from farm animals account for about 15% of Australia's greenhouse gas production. Kangaroo meat is 98% fat free, high in protein, iron, and zinc, low in saturated fat, gluten free, and also contains conjugated linoleic acid, which reduces blood pressure."  

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in Canada!

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