Thursday, November 27, 2008

Waterfalls and Koalas

Twelve Apostles

Loch Ard Gorge

Phillip Island

Cabin's backyard.  A note on the back door warns to watch out for snakes and spiders.  With luck, we only ran across one spider, a Huntsman, which happened to be hanging in the breaker box dead.  
Melanie, Joelle's friend from Vancouver, joined us for 5 days before heading to the Great Barrier Reef to scuba dive.
Ben discovered lots of crabs and worms under the rocks. 
At the Nobbies, it was extremely stormy with high winds and lots of rain.  Ben wouldn't even get out of the car.  The power got knocked out in the cabin for a while and windows got blown out of the neighborhood corner store.  We missed the pelicans and the "Penguin Parade" because of the storm- we'll just have to come back.  
Mum and her bubs.  There were thousands of these seagulls on the banks looking over their young.
Surfing at Smiths Beach on Phillip Island was a delight!  The weather had changed for the better the next day. Ben didn't like Papa going in the water and cried a lot while he was out.  Next time, Ben may need to give it a go himself- we'll have to find him a wetsuit and life-vest.
Cape Woolamai

Thursday, November 13, 2008

First steps

Well, she's done it.  Glenn has taken her first few steps.  One small step for Glenn, one giant step towards more mischief!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Beautiful girl

Our little girl in her first cutsy dress.  What a darling!

In training

Movin' on up

Much to our chagrin, our little girl is growing up too fast!!  Glenn is moving up the gross motor milestones at lightning speed.  She surprised Rob one day by climbing up the stairs.  It has become one of her favourite activities and she gets quite upset when we close the gate.  Thank goodness for the gates though because she'd otherwise be in the staircase all the time.  

Collingwood Children's Farm

The Collingwood Children's Farm is only 3km from our house.  We discovered that once a month they have  themed family day.  In November, it was sheep sheering day - to prepare the sheep for the hot weather to come.  There was a mooing cow at the entrance of the farm that scared Bennett so much that he didn't want to go into the farm at first!  He's still talking about it a week later.  The sheep sheering was impressive to watch.  Bennett looooved the tractor, especially riding in the back.  He was really gentle with the guinea pig.  After the farm, we visited the convent next door which holds an art sale two Sundays a month.