Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Royal Melbourne Show

"Monster trucks too loud mum" 

We went to the Royal Melbourne Show where we saw a monster truck, some motorcross bikes and some animals.  There were lots of rides, but we didn't go on any of them, despite Bennett's insistence.  There were lots of "showbags" for sale, which are basically small bags containing lots of junk for anywhere from 1$ - 20$.  It would be easy to spend hundreds of dollars at this place.  We got rained on and had to cut our stay short, but we had a nice time.  Bennett's favourite part was the train ride to get there!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

St. Kilda

St. Kilda is about a 20 minute tram ride from our house.  Fun place to visit with lots of people and a nice beach.  We met up with Anna and Martin who are from Ottawa.  Anna is doing a year of training in anesthesia.  Glenn enjoyed eating sand and playing with Sasha, Anna and Martin's 9 mo. old boy.  Ben made friends with two Japanese boys and built a castle using what the boys called sushi paste (wet sand from the shore line) to hold it together.  It didn't last long though- Ben enjoyed demolition more than construction.  On one of our trips back, we may have to give the carousel and the roller coaster a try at Luna Park with the kids.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Skateboard park

Bennett has discovered a new passion - the skateboard park on his balance bike.  He has been asking to go almost daily and at our last visit he said he wanted a skateboard too!  World, hold on ...

Funny girl

Glenn started making this sound when she's happy.  She does it most often when she wakes up and we come to get her out of her crib.  

Monday, September 1, 2008

Royal Botanic Gardens

The Royal Botanic Gardens was founded in 1846, extends over 38 hectares here in Melbourne, and displays more than 52,000 individual plants, representing approximately 10,000 different species from every part of the globe.  On this trip we only touched on a small section- Looking forward to coming back and seeing more.