Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rollin' rollin' rollin'

Glenn has learned to roll!!  Our days of leaving her unattended on the floor are over.  Before we know it she'll be crawling and walking!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Bennett's laugh

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of hearing Bennett's laugh, here's an excerpt.  I'm sure he pees his pants every time laughs this hard!  Don't mind his mom whose acting a little on the weird side!!


Glenn sure is the happiest baby.  She does nothing but eat, laugh and sleep.  These are pictures of her first bath in her big blow-up tub.  She sure doesn't mind the water.  Her smile is definitely contagious.  Check out the rolls too!!

Bennett's 4th birthday

Well, our little boy turned four on May 12th.  He enjoyed a little "Cars" themed party with cake and gifts.  He got lots of "Cars" themed gifts including a rolling suitcase that he can't put down.  We also continued our tradition of dinner at Denny's on that day.  Bennett sure loved it and still thinks it's his birthday now!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Here are a few pictures from Mother's Day.  The sun is shining today.  We went to the petting zoo, but Bennett seemed a little scared of the animals.  So we ended up at the park instead.  Victoria is such a great place to live.  We went for a long walk along the waterfront with Grandma Donna yesterday.  Bennett is so good on his balance bike.  It's hard to keep up with him.  Glenn is doing well too.  She's getting so big.  Time is flying by so quickly.  In only six weeks, we'll be on a plane to Melbourne!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's in your lives.